Maxwell leadership bible takenote second edition
Maxwell leadership bible takenote second edition

Maxwell’s Bible is for the individual who wants to know God’s word and will concerning leadership and leadership principles and how by “rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15) they can apply the word and biblical principles in their personal and business lives.įirst and foremost The Leadership Bible is just that…it IS a Bible…the true and living Word of God however, found in the pages of this Bible are practical principles and notes that are appropriate for an individual who is either in a leadership position or aspires to be a godly leader in a position of responsibility in their field of work one day.


Maxwell, “an internationally recognized leadership expert, speaker, and author who has sold over 12 million books, and whose organization has trained more than 2 million leaders worldwide,” is THE Bible for the individual who either is in a leadership position or plan on being in a leadership position one day and wants God’s perspective on how to live and do their work in such a way as to glorify God. The Maxwell Leadership Bible written by Dr. It could be argued that a Bible is a Bible is a Bible however, just as there are different cars designed for the needs and wants of different individuals, there are different Bibles published to meet the needs and wants of different individuals who want to study the Bible in a particular version or from a particular perspective. Maxwell has assembled biblical teaching to equip and encourage leaders and those who serve with them, to meet 21st-century challenges by using the time-tested and irrefutable principles of leadership that God has shown us in the Bible. There are also articles about how the 21 Qualities of a Leader are shown in Scripture-in the cases of both those who got it right and those who got it wrong-and how people learned from their failures and became better leaders through God's redemptive process of education by experience.Įxecutive Editor John C. It's a Bible resource that explains book by book what a godly leader is, what leadership means, what empowering others is about, and how God is glorified when we're all involved in His leadership plan for us.Īrticles about the 21 Laws of Leadership in Scripture show us how these Laws are seen in the lives of Bible people. "The Maxwell Leadership Bible" shows us what God's Word has to say to people of all kinds about leaders and leadership.

maxwell leadership bible takenote second edition maxwell leadership bible takenote second edition maxwell leadership bible takenote second edition

The people, events, and teachings of the Bible are a treasury of wisdom and guidance for anyone who has been called to be a leader, to develop leaders, or to work with leaders-in church, business, commerce, or anyplace else.

Maxwell leadership bible takenote second edition