Birth order of greek gods zeus poseidon hades
Birth order of greek gods zeus poseidon hades

How could he find her when all he could see was the reflection. Now the reflection was huge, the teeth snarling at him out of the shield. “Look at me! Look at me!” the Gorgon cried. Now he could see her green skin, her poisonous red eyes and her yellow teeth all reflected in the polished bronze.

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For a dreadful moment Perseus was tempted to look up at her to meet her eyes but with all his strength he kept his head turned away as Athena had instructed him and instead of looking at Medusa he looked at her reflection in the shield. The Gorgon stepped forward into the light. “Perseus!” came a deep throaty voice from the back of the cave. Now he could hear breathing and the sounds of hissing. Holding the shield more tightly than ever, he climbed down the gentle slope and taking a deep breath entered the gloom. Now Perseus saw the mouth of a large cave yawning darkly at him.

birth order of greek gods zeus poseidon hades

There were stone women and stone children. A local government official stood rigid, his stone fingers clutching a scrap of yellowing paper. One young soldier had covered his face but then he had tried to peep through his fingers. Their reaction in that second had been caught for eternity.

birth order of greek gods zeus poseidon hades

It was as if they had been photographed in the last second of their life. Others frozen in horror, their mouths open, the screams still on their lips. The valley in which he stood was filled with stone people. He knew that he must be getting close to Medusa’s cave. He now carried her brightly polished shield in one hand and his sword in the other.

#Birth order of greek gods zeus poseidon hades how to#

Athena had not only told Perseus how to destroy the Gorgon, she had also given him the means.

Birth order of greek gods zeus poseidon hades